• (+61) 406 642 444


At Pacific Trade Nexus, the health and safety of humans and clients' assets is of top priority to us.

At Pacific Trade Nexus, the health and safety of humans and clients' assets is of top priority to us. In the same manner, we hold the sustainability of our environment in very high esteem.
Hence, we continue to keep our environment safe while making sure that the habitation for communities surrounding the areas of our operations are considered at all times.
We always ensure to leave our host communities better than we met them by engaging in impactful Community Social Responsibility (CSR) projects before final demobilization from work sites.
We have put in place all necessary procedures, policies and KPIs to ensure that our standard of Health, safety and environment is maintained at all times. our operations and services are both perrformed and rendered such that the following can be achieved.

  • Embeding HSE thoughts as an important part of our business plans, decisions and operations.
  • showing responsibility and accountability toward HSE related issues.
  • Adhering to relevant laws, ligislation and industry standards.
  • Making the HSE policy available to the concerned employees and the public.
  • Keeping the assets of the company and clients secured.
  • preserving the security and safety of the staff and the general public that may be affected by our operations.
  • Minimizing to the barest minimum possible, the risk that may arise from operations, so that zero LTI can be achieved.